Observatory ESG
Chinese Big Tech 2023

Join our webinar to discover the environmental impact of the Chinese Big Tech and the growth trends.

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Discover how the leading Chinese Big Tech companies - Tencent, Xiaomi, Alibaba, and Baidu - are impacting the environment.

Here's what you'll learn during the webinar:

➤ The environmental impact of the Chinese Big Tech;

Data & insight on sustainability;

Growth trends;

How the energy consumed by these companies affects the environment.

Download the complete research now

What is Karma Metrix

Karma Metrix is ​​the 1st digital sustainability journey, chosen by top brands, that measures, imrpoves and communicates the environmental impact of a website.

Our goal is to guide companies on their journey to improve digital sustainability and make the web more eco-friendly.

Observatory ESG Chinese Big Tech 2023